Frequently Asked Questions
As your veterinarian in Salt Lake City, we at Wasatch Springs Animal Hospital know you sometimes have questions about your very important pets. Here are a few of the frequently asked questions we’ve received. We know that there is no limit to the questions you may have for your pets, so please visit us or contact us if you have additional questions unanswered here.
Q. My Dog has been sick for 2 days, when should I bring him in?
A. You should treat your pet like a member of the family. One or two days feeling “sick” or off is the limit. If you don’t know what’s wrong, schedule an appointment. One exception is the sicker the patient, the sooner the doctors visit.
Q. I looked up my diagnosis on the Internet. Can I just come in for medication?
A. Most Internet diagnoses we see are wrong. The reason for the doctor visit is to properly diagnose and treat your pet. Dr Blotter has 25 years of experience working with animals. Also, prescription drugs require a professional visit and examination.
Q. My dog is sick, what can I give him at home?
A. Most home medications are OTC (over the counter) and are usually dosed for human weight and size. Also there are some that unsafe for nonhuman consumption. Never give any medications without first speaking to the Doctor. We understand that cost is often a factor in visiting the clinic, but sometimes you can make things much worse and more expensive by waiting.
Q. There are worms in my pet’s stool. Can I just buy a wormer at the store?
A. Veterinarians have spent years in school learning how to diagnose and treat problems. Let us accurately diagnose the parasite for you and prescribe an appropriate prescription medication designed specifically for your problem. Most OTC (over the counter) wormers only take care of one of two problems. And you would be surprised at how inexpensive prescription parasitic medication really is.
Q. I’m going on vacation. Should I leave my pet with a neighbor?
A. We want you to trust the caretaker of your pet. Dogs can have a tendency to get loose and run. Don’t ruin a good friendship with a lost pet. We can provide boarding, and grooming in a safe environment. Your pet will be safe with us on your return.
Q. My pet is very old and losing vision and hearing. When should I think about end of life care?
A. End of life care is a difficult decision for anyone. We are happy to consult on these difficult decisions and provide professional advice. However the final decision is always with you.
Q. When do I start vaccinations on my new pet?
A. New vaccinations usually begin between six and nine weeks of age while parasite treatment can begin as early as two weeks. If your breeder has started vaccinations, be sure to get a written record.
Q. What age do you recommend neutering?
A. While there is a bit of variability here, most dogs and cats are neutered (spayed) by 4 to 6 months of age. This procedure can prevent a host of problems including pregnancy, cancer and illness.
Contact Info
Phone: 801.532.1100
Address: 855 Beck Street
Hours: M/T/Th/F 8:00-4:30
W/Sat 8:00-11:30
Closed Sundays
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Salt Lake County Animal Services: